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Pain On Right Side

Pain On Right Side

Abdominal pain is a general symptom with many kinds of sickness. Everyone at least once in their lives will experience such pain. The pain the left, right or in the middle of the abdomen as pain may be localized in different areas. The pain in most cases a bacterial or may be caused by viral infections, but in some cases, it is related to the abdominal area may be due to some other medical condition. Pain on right side abdominal pain can be caused by many conditions. Some sorts of pain can be severe and may be related to serious issues, it’s the painful symptoms associated with abdominal pain is important to be aware of and reasons.

Various kind of Abdominal pain on right side:

Pain on right side of abdominal associated with kidney stones is very common. Appendix is an extension of the large intestine tissue is three and a half inch long tube. Appendicitis caused by an infection will cause an interruption in the Appendix. Appendix flowers as a result of infection, it needs immediate treatment before it ruptures. The only way to treat appendicitis is an appendectomy and need to be performed immediately upon diagnosis.

The right side abdominal pain may also be associated with gall stones. Stones that form in the gallbladder – which stores bile from the liver, an organ that secretes – are referred to as gall stones. There are several types of gall stones. These cholesterol gall stones such as black or brown, and the pigment gall stones. A cholesystectomy is normal to get rid of gall stones.

Pregnant women also feel pain in their abdomen can be left or right. If pain persists, it may be associated with an ectopic pregnancy. Most often a fertilized egg in the fallopian tubes, uterus and implants itself outside of the pregnancies are ectopic. The egg has implanted the pain will be felt on the side. The only treatment for an ectopic pregnancy is a pregnancy to end.

The nature of the pain may be caused by ovarian cysts. Such cysts often form within the ovary and are one of the main reasons for infertility in women. Ovarian cysts may also cause ovarian cancer. A laparoscopy or laparotomy is known as cysts in can be removed through a surgical procedure.


Pain on right side of the abdomen may be related to several factors. The term “stomach? Should not necessarily associated with the stomach intestines. There are many organs contained within the abdominal area. Therefore, the right side abdominal pain, bladder kidney or liver may be due to a problem with. Infection or spleen, pancreas, adrenal glands, and carrying medical problems can cause similar symptoms. Any of these organs will cause abdominal pain-related medical conditions. Food poisoning, hernia, polycystic ovaries can cause pain on right side of the abdomen. Being aware of all these possibilities individuals persistent abdominal pain that is not to be ignored or am not seeking medical help to realize would indicate.

Symtoms of Abdominal Pain on right side:

Various diseases have different symptoms. Therefore, at least one of identity or cause of pain in order to doubt, should be familiar with the disease and associated symptoms.Appendicitis? The lower right side, nausea, vomiting and low-grade fever, extreme pain. Gallstones? The pain will be felt in the upper right side of the abdomen and right upper back, shoulders and chest will travel to. In addition, nausea and vomiting are present.
  • Ectopic Pregnancy- Without any fever or vomiting, pain on left right side. The fertilized egg is implanted and it depends on which side. 
  • Ovarian Cysts- Pain in the lower abdomen and thighs lower right area of the abdomen in the progression of moderate to severe pain.
  • Ulcerative colitis- As well as nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain and abdominal gurgling mild to severe. 
  • Testicular torsion- Severe pain and swelling of the scrotum in conjunction with pain on right side. 



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