Pain has plagued mankind since the beginning of time. Check out our chart of back pain, quadrant pain and stretches diagnosis.

Right Upper Quadrant Pain

Right Upper Quadrant Pain

Right upper quadrant pain can be caused by a wide variety of situations. Age, gender and general condition of the patient is likely to affect diagnosis. History and examination will focus on the differential diagnosis. Such as acute or chronic onset, weight loss, fever, general malaise, and features such as urine or stool symptoms point to a diagnosis may help you. There is an acute abdomen to decide if it is important. 
  • Keep in mind the general condition of the patient. Patient fairly well, shocked, or dyspnoeic calorie is? Jaundice 
  • NOTE temperature, pulse rate and quality, and blood pressure. 
  • The patient should be adequately disrobed and both patient and examiner should be in a comfortable position. Requires a systematic examination of the abdomen.Abdominal examination is described elsewhere. See separate article abdominal examination. 
  • Diagnosis is still elusive, respiratory system examination is indicated. 

Various Diagnosis 

  • Liver and gallbladder disease 
  • It’s as congestive heart failure, liver capsule of the liver disease spread is usually very painful. The liver can be damaged by blunt trauma. Lymphoma or leukemia, chronic myeloid Hepato-splenomegaly, such as autoimmune diseases, including primary biliary cirrhosis with or be with malignancy. 
  • Budd-Chiari syndrome can present with right upper quadrant pain. Gallstones are common and have become more common as the years advance. Most are asymptomatic, but they can cause pain at any time. 
  • Other stones are always associated with gallbladder disease which include gallbladder carcinoma. 
  • Ascending cholangitis pain, fever and jaundice is a classic triad. 

Intestinal lesions 

  • Hepatic flexure carcinoma lesions, diverticulosis, ischemic colitis, constipation and Crohn’s disease. 
  • Acute appendicitis should be considered abnormal. 
  • Recurrent symptoms may be caused by irritable bowel syndrome. 
  • Meckel’s diverticulum usually in children, can present in a variety of ways. Diagnosis is usually made ​at laparotomy. Is often a lack of blood per rectum. 

Heart disease 

  • With a dissecting aortic aneurysm abdominal pain usually begins in the chest and in the back is marked and can spread from under the feet. Other arterial aneurysms and may bleed. 
  • Cardiac pain is sometimes as upper abdominal pain may be present. 
  • Congestive cardiac failure, liver capsule may be a stretch. 

Kidney disorders 

  • Pyelonephritis. 
  • Nephrolithiasis. 
  • Hydronephrosis. 
  • Renal carcinoma. 
  • Ureteral obstruction in the urinary tract including the kidneys or other diseases. 

Respiratory disease 

  • Pain in the lower right lobe of the lung may occur. 
  • Lobar pneumonia 
  • Myocardial infarction and pulmonary embolism. It is doubtful, then check for evidence of deep vein thrombosis. 

Endocrine or exocrine dysfunction 

  • Diabetic ketoacidosis. 
  • Addisonian crisis. 
  • Adrenal tuberculosis. 
  • Metastatic carcinoma. 
  • Pancreas pain is unusual and may be misleading, though often between the scapulae, and is central in the back. Amylase raised at intestinal blockage but it is very high in acute pancreatitis. 
  • Carcinoma of the pancreas that produce pain between scapulae, leaning forward on deregulation. 

Adds in the last trimester of pregnancy problems. Minor elevations of liver enzymes such as acute fatty liver of pregnancy (AFLP) or H aemolysis as a syndrome of late pregnancy with life-threatening disease may precede, e l iver enzyme levels levated, l op latelet count (HELLP).

Pre-eclampsia, HELLP syndrome, and AFLP Farm mild symptoms to severe life-threatening multiorgan dysfunction is among a spectrum of disease. During pregnancy has been shown to be the main causes of severe liver disease.

Pelvic inflammatory

Pelvic inflammatory disease that cause sexually transmitted diseases are passed from one person to another during sexual contact. Any girl or woman to engage in sexual activity that causes the contract and pelvic inflammatory disease that can be passed on sexually transmitted diseases. However, pelvic inflammatory disease of young, sexually active and is most common in women experiencing menopause, which occurs in women at least once. More sexual partners a person has, the greater can cause pelvic inflammatory disease risk of catching a sexually transmitted disease.


Right Lower Quadrant Pain

Right Lower Quadrant Pain

Abdominal pain in the lower left side of the right lower quadrant pain. It is often related to the digestive system, but also the body wall, skin, blood vessels, urinary tract, or may be related to the conditions of the reproductive organs. Area may be tender to the touch or full stomach pain may be severe and can be harsh.

There is severe pain, constipation, especially if sewage or may be a symptom of inflammation of the bowel obstruction. Women severe pain in the ovary (ovarian torsion), rupture of an ovarian cyst, ectopic pregnancy or pelvic inflammatory disease may result from twisting. Men with testicular torsion injury or severe right lower quadrant pain may be experienced. Crampy pain, gas, indigestion, inflammation or infection may be caused by, or menstrual cramps, endometriosis, or pelvic inflammatory disease in women.

Comes in waves that can cause severe pain caused by kidney stones. Body wall, hernia, and ringworm trauma to the left lower quadrant pain also can cause. A hernia organs or other tissue to protrude through the muscle or tissue that allows the weak. Ringworm is often a bandage over the affected area that forms a painful, blistering rash involving chicken pox (varicella zoster) is a reactivation of the virus.

Right lower quadrant pain may be associated with serious medical conditions. Stop you having a bowel movement, vomiting of blood are bloody diarrhea, severe stomach pain or a stiff, injured, had sudden onset of severe pain, cancer, or may become pregnant (call 911 ) get immediate medical assistance and abdominal pain or vaginal bleeding.

Your right lower quadrant pain is persistent or causes you concern, it is worsening rather than improving, especially if you seek prompt medical care. You bladder symptoms, fever, decreased appetite, or unintended weight loss, then you should seek prompt medical attention.

In few cases, right lower quadrant pain should be immediately evaluated in an emergency setting can be a symptom of a life-threatening condition left. If you or someone with you, including any of these life-threatening symptoms, call (911) Get immediate medical help.

May indicate a life-threatening condition that severe symptoms: 

  • Bleeding while expectant 
  • Such as passing out or unresponsiveness, changes in level of consciousness or alertness 
  • High fever (over 101 degrees Fahrenheit) 
  • With vomiting, especially if the inability to have a bowel movement 
  • Rapid heart rate (tachycardia) 
  • Abdominal rigidity 
  • Severe abdominal or pelvic pain or abdominal pain that comes on suddenly 
  • Trauma to the abdomen 
  • Vomiting blood, rectal bleeding, or bloody stools 

Right lower quadrant pain, including situations involving other body systems may be caused by: 

  • Ventral hernia (internal organs can pass, through which the weak area of ​the abdominal wall) 
  • An abdominal or pelvic organ cancers 
  • Endometriosis (uterine lining grow in other areas of the body such as the condition of tissue) 
  • Kidney-stone 
  • Menstrual cramps 
  • Ovarian cysts (fluid, air, or other materials that are benign sacs in the ovary) 
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID, an infection of a woman’s reproductive organs) 
  • Shingles (painful, blistering rash often make a bandage, varicella zoster, or resulting from reactivation of the chickenpox virus) 
  • Urinary tract infection 
  • Uterine fibroids (uterine growths can cause discomfort or abnormal growth of the uterine muscle tissue) 
  • Right lower quadrant pain of the abdomen and around the local the first day started was applied to the emergency department with pain, blood pressure, pulse, and 36-year-old female patient grade fever, respectively 110/70 mmHg, 102/minute, 38.0 ° C were sensitive, defense, and rebound abdominal examination findings were determined in the right lower quadrant pain. 


Left Upper Quadrant Pain

Left Upper Quadrant Pain

Pain in the upper left quadrant is known as the abdomen, the upper, pain in the left side are located there what’s wrong with the organs and structures that is a symptom. The spleen is a part of the intestine, the end part of the pancreas, left kidney, abdominal, lower ribs, and the left part of the liver, part of the ureter, left adrenal gland, and part of the left lung, aorta, muscle and skin. Heart is located just above the upper left quadrant. Thus, the left upper quadrant pain discomfort, experience in any of these structures, which can be caused by any discrepancy or condition. Some of the reasons mentioned below.

Above are listed some reasons of left upper quadrant pain in the abdomen.

Splenomegaly: Spleen enlargement of the left upper quadrant pain, a condition known as splenomegaly may cause. The size of the spleen is usually the same as a fist, but the transition is due to a liver disease or cancer, in addition to the pain, thus causing anemia, fatigue, easy bleeding, producing symptoms such as full stomach, left upper quadrant pain is increased in size.

Viral gastroenteritis: A left upper quadrant pain due to a stomach flu or viral gastroenteritis. This condition is caused by consumption of contaminated food and water. It has already come in contact with a person suffering from this condition may be caused. Viral gastroenteritis is an infection of the intestine and thus in the left upper quadrant pain, diarrhea, stomach cramps, nausea or produces symptoms such as vomiting, and in some cases, even fever.

Irritable Bowel Disorder: Touchy bowel syndrome is a disorder of the large intestine or colon. It does not cause any damage to the stomach but such stomach cramps, upper left quadrant, bloating, gas, constipation and diarrhea can cause symptoms such as pain.

Severe Pancreatitis: Pancreatitis caused by gallstones or alcohol abuse can cause this, such as abdominal bloating, fever, chills, nausea, rapid heartbeat, low blood pressure, fatigue, irritability and headaches as other serious symptoms, as well. Long-term diabetes, such as pancreatitis or chronic pancreatitis, jaundice and liver diseases can lead to severe conditions.

Polycystic kidney disorder: A number of renal cysts in polycystic kidney disease is a condition in which the development. This condition such as hypertension and renal kidney failure can cause serious situation. In the left upper quadrant pain, symptoms of polycystic kidney disease, enlarged abdomen, blood in urine, increased urination, headaches, kidney stones and kidney infection.

Aortic aneurysm: Aorta, the body’s largest vein, which supplies blood from the heart to the chest, abdomen and legs in the end. Abnormal aortic aneurysm is a bulging out of the wall of the aorta. Abdominal aortic aneurysm occurs in the wall, it causes severe pain in the upper left circle. Other aortic aneurysm symptoms, a severe back and chest pain, chills, numbness and sometimes even include a heart stroke.

Pneumonia: Pneumonia is a virus, bacteria or infection of the lungs caused by a fungus. Pneumonia in the left upper quadrant pain, resulting in lower lung, may be swelling in the left part. Other portents of pneumonia, fever, cough with yellow or brown mucus, chills, and sometimes chest pain.

Such left upper quadrant pain, Tietze syndrome known as left ribs infection, ringworm of the skin as well as other conditions can cause abdominal pain in the upper left side. Treatment for this condition by a physician, thus, proper diagnosis will depend on the cause of pain is recommended.

CT consistent with acute appendicitis is a large, thick-walled appendix with swelling in the left upper quadrant mobilized mesocecum performed. He underwent a laparotomy. An inflammation of the stomach and cecum, with enlarged appendix were found in the left upper quadrant pain. No malrotation or other congenital abnormalities were seen. Protocol demonstrated a gangrenous appendix. She tolerated the surgery well and was discharged home two days later.


Left Lower Quadrant Pain

Left Lower Quadrant Pain

A number of factors lead to pain in the left lower quadrant may be but most of them are not usually in the form of Emergency Medicine. Though, the level of pain experienced in this part of the stomach is different how serious condition and may have a line on and that should be taken to relieve pain appropriate treatment can be used as a method. Left lower quadrant pain if a person is a doctor to do some testing and the need to give a diagnosis as soon as possible is not able to participate in their daily activities that is so severe. In addition, a person’s stomach or abdominal pain in this area is very concentrated; even a small portion of which can affect a large portion.

Different causes of left lower quadrant pain:

Acute left lower quadrant pain is common when one is constipated bowel obstruction may indicate. However, this type of pelvic pain in women, inflammation, as well as an ectopic pregnancy that ruptured ovarian cysts can talk to. Get that pain in the lower abdomen pain indigestion, GAS infection or even a woman can be attributed to the onset of menstruation. He suffered an injury or are suffering from testicular torsion when such men may experience pain.

Other reason severe pain in the left lower quadrant pain that is felt in wave-like manner kidney stones is. Are separated from urine and kidney stones are found on the walls of organ the crystals to grow. Though, they grow by the urine flow leads to pain in the lower abdomen the cause of the failure.

Gastroenteritis is a usual condition among many people, and is sometimes known as stomach flu. It is simply an inflammation of the lining of the intestines and stomach, especially in most parts of the lower left results in a lot of pain. Disease-causing bacteria have been infected that are passed through contact with someone if the virus.

Most of these medical positions, abdominal pain quadrant at a particular cause at the beginning and should not be taken lightly. This area is found in the stomach the most concern is the pain that is severe and sudden in onset. The pain is getting worse, while remains constant; if it turns out the best action to take the doctor to start treatment as soon as possible and to visit. A recurring pain in the lower left circle level access can be very serious when the underlying cause this means that in some cases can cause loss of life which must be dealt with to avoid further health problems.

Many conditions can cause pain in the left lower abdomen that cycle. There are many causes of abdominal pain in a medical emergency. However, a person cannot find a comfortable position that is so severe pain in the abdomen may indicate the presence of serious stomach problems. Other types of pain in the stomach, only a small portion of the stomach, affecting more centers; while some types of abdominal pain, diffuse abdominal affect a significant portion.

Sigmoid diverticulitis of the sigmoid colon condition – left lower abdominal pain can cause cycle. Diverticula are pouches that form in the large intestine or colon. Most diverticula in the sigmoid colon or rectum curved portion of the large intestine that is closest to develop. In some individuals, the sigmoid one or more of the holes may be inflamed – a condition known as sigmoid diverticulitis. Common signs associated with sigmoid diverticulitis symptoms and stool, fever, nausea, vomiting, constipation or diarrhea, gas and inflammation of the stomach with food, rectal bleeding after blood or lower left abdominal pain that is worse.


Lower Left Back Pain

Lower Left Back Pain

There are several reasons of lower left back pain. At other times, they may be old, while sometimes such conditions are temporary. In some situations, however, are more common and is a direct result of health-related issues. The important thing to remember is effective in all cases and can reduce or eliminate pain completely if you are healing. 

Back pain is the key to good health. The effects of sitting, standing, climbing stairs, lifting, and many other movements, including walking can limit many activities in life. Unfortunately, ignoring the pain, making it more difficult to treat, can exacerbate the condition. The first thing a person should do to identify the cause is to consult with a doctor. To resolve issues for a few days can be as simple as taking an antibiotic. Here are some of the most common causes.

Lower left back pain is usual during pregnancy. Hormonal changes and development of the uterus as gravity reason a change in the spread and weak abdominal muscles. Often causes pressure on the lower back this outcome in a change in the posture of the body. Uterine growth also results in lower back pain you can press on the nerves. As birth nears couples attach to the pelvic bone and ligaments become looser, as the pain for long periods of time as well as the intensity increases. 

Lower left back pain when breathing can increase. The reason is related to a muscle injury or other health related issues is an indication. The reason is not related to a back injury, even in low back pain often radiates heart and lung problems. More commonly, however, in the lower left side back pain is related to the pressure on the sciatic nerve that results in muscle spasms. It is easy to recognize and will often increase during sudden movements. 

Symptoms include in the lower left back pain a kidney infection is a condition that is easily treatable. Sensitive around the kidney capsule, expands as a result of low back pain. Often begins as tenderness over the hips; but worse as the genital area the radiating pain can extend to include. A fever, blood in urine, and painful urination. 

A pinched nerve pinched nerve (sciatica) due to the lower left back pain. The pain, numbness or discomfort in the hip and discomforted the same side as the foot is also common to feel. It initially might make it too hard to walk that will experience severe back pain if you pinch a nerve in your back, swollen nerve is very likely to stand as straight due to the possibility of moving the injured nerve. This is a physiotherapist it should fit the spine short term pain in order to correct subluxations, to relieve and to see a chiropractor is a good idea, and there is no further pinching. 

Lower Left back pain due to food intolerances these will cause gastrointestinal problems and vomiting, diarrhea, inflammation of the intestines and can cause abdominal discomfort. The resulting spasm in the left lower back pain due to spinal misalignment and may result. 

Also results in lower left back pain or symptoms of shingles may be a viral condition. In this case, the virus in a horse tail is located in the lower back, many nerve endings and affects attacks. These can be excruciating irritation of nerve endings and treated with over-the-counter pain killers cannot be used. Moreover, in the case of a viral attack on the nervous system the medical treatment it is important to see your doctor immediately. 

Lower left back pain can be caused by a disease or other internal problems, but the other more common in lower back the pain may be due to causes. Some of these cause muscle tension or sprain, herniated disc, or spinal fractures can occur. These cases may not require medical attention. But of lower back pain these over-the-counter pain killers more common causes and can be controlled using home remedies. 

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